Legislative Report

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Dear Neighbors,   This weekend makes a time for celebration and remembrance. I’ll be celebrating and congratulating our 2016 high school graduates this weekend in many of our area schools. It is their time. And on Monday, I’ll be taking time to remember our loved service members who have passed...
Dear Neighbors, Sunshine and warm weather will bless all of us this weekend providing a fitting backdrop for Mother’s Day. My own mom, Carolyn, deserves a lot of credit for raising me and always being a loving, guiding hand through my formative years. And, of course, my own wife Wendy not only has...
Dear Neighbors, It’s a great time of year in our area. It’s already April, and every day seems to feel more like spring. Our spring sports are starting soon, and I’d like to wish all of our local teams good luck as they begin their season! Bills In Committee Being a lawmaker isn’t about creating...
Having been on Gull Lake since 1973, I share the opinion with the many area residents who do not want another invasive species – muskies – introduced into the lake. The DNR is considering stocking muskies in a number of Minnesota lakes and the Gull Chain of Lakes is on its list of candidates....
Neighbors,   I believe I could write this week’s update about the weather and leave everyone feeling joyful. I am sure I will hear rakes and leaf blowers this weekend as people start to clean up the yards. I did notice the ice coming off lakes this week on my way home from St. Paul, and the...
Congrats to the Pierz Pioneers wrestling team for their third-place finish at state last week! Great job, guys! And a shout out to the Long Prairie boys and girls basketball teams for their successful season. The #5 ranked boys team lost to Sauk Centre in the postseason and the girls ended the...
February is quickly coming to a close and the legislative session is just around the corner. Like last year, one of the top issues we’ll debate is transportation funding. In 2015, the Republican-led House passed a $7 billion plan to fund roads and bridges over the next 10 years without raising...
Dear Neighbors,   Congratulations and good luck to all our local sports teams finishing up their seasons. Teams like the Pierz wrestling team continue to make our area proud as they keep their hopes alive for a state title. Last weekend, the Pioneers took down Aitkin to win the section championship...
Dear Friends, I hope you’ve been able to enjoy some of late-January warm-up. It’s that great winter weather where we can still ice fish and play hockey outside, but don’t need every piece of warm clothing to survive. Before you and your family enjoy the weekend, I wanted to pass along a few items....
The first order of business when the 2016 Legislative session begins March 8 should be a vote on whether to continue Minnesota’s government-run Obamacare website, MNsure. More than three years into development, MNsure remains unable to fulfill its primary mission: providing access to affordable...


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