Letters to the Editor

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To the Editor: I would like to address the School Board with a couple of concerns that I have. I attended the special meeting that was held on March 27th, regarding Superintendent Dan Ludvigson. First, as Mr. Ludvigson requested, the meeting was an open meeting. If he chose to do so, he could have...
To the Editor: Each year, millions of people suffer the direct physical, financial, and emotional impact of crime victimization. Being a victim of a crime can be a very difficult and stressful experience. Victims may need to seek help and support from friends, family, their community, or a victim...
To the Editor: From what I witnessed at the last LPGE school board meeting, the only thing missing was a bowl for washing of the hands and a cross to be carried. It was even spoken from school board member Lisa Wright that Mr. Ludvigson has been provoked a few times (what number that is, only the...
To the Editor: Child Abuse Prevention Month is an annual observance in the United States dedicated to raising awareness and preventing child abuse. April has been designated Child Abuse Month in the United States since 1989. This year, NCAPM’s 2024 theme is “Doing Things Differently: Moving from...
To the Editor: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This year’s theme, “Building Connected Communities”, calls on each of us to work together to prevent sexual abuse, harassment, and assault. We believe when anyone experiences sexual violence, every community member is affected. We all have a...
To the Editor: Rep. Mike Wiener says he is against the pending Minnesota legislation known as the North STAR Act. The North STAR Act would protect our immigrant friends, neighbors, and classmates in Long Prairie and Todd County by prohibiting state and local law enforcement from using state...
To the Editor: We can’t forget that March is Hunger Awareness Month. We all see the donation bins at church or school and are asked to participate in food drives. We at the Long Prairie Emergency Food Pantry would like to thank everyone for help or donations, past, present or future. We have many...
To the Editor: I’m in agreement with Long Prairie - Grey Eagle School Board member Steven Hinson. Reporting on the January school board meeting Amanda Hinson wrote in this newspaper that Steven Hinson voted against giving Board members a raise to $500 per month. Mr. Hinson said that he felt that...
To the Editor: Dairy Ridge, the very large dairy operation just east of Long Prairie and south of Lake Charlotte, currently milks 1,695 cows every day. According to a permit application submitted to Todd County earlier this month they want to expand to 2,395 cows. That’s an additional 700 water...
To the Editor: “Let not thy right hand know what the left hand is doing.” If you read this statement, you may realize I’m quoting it backwards from the original, but it is exactly what is happening with our hired and elected officials. Below, I’ll explain my reasoning. On Aug. 21, 2023, the Long...


Long Prairie Leader

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