Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
Recently the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that only 20% of Minnesota Black, Latino and Native 4th graders tested proficient in reading. White kids did more than twice as well, testing at 46% proficient. A similar learning gap was found in SAT and ACT college entrance tests...
To the Editor:
Apparently planning and zoning and city council members have selective hearing! Case in point: American Foods Group (aka Long Prairie Packing) wants to build a large apartment complex at 4th Street Southwest in Long Prairie to house some of their workers. Originally this project was...
To the Editor:
This is in reply to the letter from John King in the Nov. 1 Leader where he referenced antiracism as having been around before the Civil War and that antiracist idealism “brought an end to” Jim Crow in the south.
Farragut Middle School in New York sorts students into affinity...
To the Editor:
Regarding the term anti-racism, I would have to see it used in an actual old dictionary or newspaper to believe anyone ever used that term before modern times. I would also like to see just how it is actually put to use in the public schools. I, like many others, especially in light...
To the Editor:
The word “anti-racism” has been around since before the civil war. It was used to describe not just those who were opposed to slavery, but people, mostly from the north, who were actively engaged in trying to end slavery. James W. Lowen’s book, “Everything Your American History...
To the Editor:
I am concerned about the proposed apartment dwelling for Long Prairie.
Long Prairie was always considered a retirement community. Well it has changed. Who would want to retire here, with all the noise and disrespect that is happening. It is not a city that I would want to see my...
To the Editor:
I am writing regarding the upcoming referendum of Osakis Public Schools. I attended the informational meetings that were held in June where I learned a great deal about the why and why nows of this referendum. There is so much information to know about this referendum before voting,...
To the Editor:
I want to express my appreciation for the local news coming from the Leader. There are some excellent reporters getting the real work done.
We absolutely need local news and local reporting and the additions of reporters to the LP Leader make this happen.
Take a moment and...
To the Editor:
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, putting a special emphasis on domestic violence information. So far this year, Minnesota has had 23 women and men killed by acts of domestic violence, not to mention the families torn apart, the suicides of the abusers, and the children...
To the editor:
As a Catholic, I am shocked at such blatant disrespect for nuns by the Sisters of Perpetual INDULGENCE at a future Los Angeles Dodgers base ball game. Our Sisters give their lives to God and SERVE OTHERS in many capacities. They praise God with the Psalms (songs) three or seven...