Letters to the Editor

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To the Editor: I wrote a letter to the editor for the Sept. 28 edition of The Leader about wage increases for City employees. I noted that the administrator received an “increase of a whopping 25.83 percent!” Some people reportedly thought that the wages printed in the paper were a reflection of...
To the Editor:   According to the website www.pacer.org/bullying, 1 out of every 5 students report being bullied.   In addition, 41% of students who reported being bullied at school indicated that they think the bullying would happen again.    Of those students who reported being bullied, 13% were...
To the Editor:   As I read John King’s letter to the editor on July 13 about violence toward children, I wondered why he thinks the answer is to produce more violence by killing an unborn child rather than advocating stricter penalties for a male who would impregnate a child. My goodness! Have you...
To the Editor:   Runaway inflation, now in excess of 9%, has many Americans suffering.  I am so sick of hearing Biden and the media telling me the president is “doing all he can”.  First of all, much of the problem is self-imposed.  Biden has surrounded himself with incompetent people.  He was more...
To the Editor:   On April, 19, 2022, there was a meeting regarding the county taxation of its citizens and their businesses. This meeting was held in the Arena at the Long Prairie Fairgrounds. To say that the meeting was well attended would be an understatement. I am not aware of the number that...
To the Editor:   Having visited many historic sites I often reflect on some of the treasures that are offered in Long Prairie.  We have the memorial of the first flag raised on Iwo Jima.  This memorial will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary this August.  The Todd County Museum is a great place to...
To the Editor:   National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is an annual commemoration in the United States that promotes victims’ rights and services.  Since 1981, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is a time to renew our commitment to serving all victims of crime, to acknowledge the achievements in...
To the Editor:   The international high gas prices and international inflation are tough on everyone except for the oil industry executives and their investors. Consider doing an online search for “oil industry record profits”.  They have skyrocketed.  We hear much about energy independence these...
To the Editor:   It has been a few weeks since I’ve submitted a new letter to the leader. The reason is two-fold. First and foremost, I wanted to create a permanent public record of the facts of my case with the city and I have done that. The local paper not only serves as a source of news, but...
To the Editor:   The international high gas prices and international inflation are tough on everyone except for the oil industry executives and their investors. Consider doing an online search for “oil industry record profits”.  They have skyrocketed.  We hear much about energy independence these...


Long Prairie Leader

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